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思恩半导体是专业制造基于SEMI标准、具有国际CE认证、与国际先 进水平同步的基片湿处理系统、微电子自动化设备及相关零部件的企业。



企业秉承BEST!(Better price更合理的价格, Excellent service更优 质的服务, Superior quality更出众的品质, Total solution全 方位的解决方案)。

SSN-SEMI companyis specialized at making semi-standard substrates wet process system and microclectronics automation equipment with CE mark, associated sub-systems, related parts.

have both US and Chinese advanced semiconductor equipment.

Those equipments include Automatic / Semiautomatic / Manual substrates wet process system, IPA Dry system, Chemical Delivery System(CDS), Parts clean system, multi layer ceramic processing equipment etc.

Enterprises adhere to the BEST! (Better price, Excellent service, Superior quality, Total solution).